The LORD is Moving on our Behalf #6

In continuing the message “The LORD is moving on our behalf” I want to remind you that when we see the word God in the word the original word in the Hebrew is Elohim. When we see the word LORD in all caps the original word is YAHveh. Elohim means the magnitude of God’s attributes, His majesty and all His power. Elohim in itself means that God has all this power but the fact that He has all power doesn’t mean anything to us, unless He uses His power to help us. So, God uses the word LORD or YAHveh to mean that not only does He have the power but that He is using this power for our benefit. The use of LORD or YAHveh means that He is actively working on our behalf! When you turn your flesh over to the Holy Spirit to have the deeds of the flesh mortified and want to conform to the image of Jesus as your number one prayer than He is your LORD. He then wants to take an active part in moving in your life on your behalf.

In Psalm 27 David says in verse 1 the LORD is his light, salvation and strength. As a result he doesn’t fear. You should be saying the same thing yourself. Because the LORD is fighting for him, David said in verse 2 that the LORD causes his enemies to stumble and fall. The LORD can bring confusion into your enemies’ camp, just ask Jehoshaphat and Gideon. The LORD moved so strongly for them when they were outnumbered that the enemy was so confused that they killed each other. Your enemies could be united against you but just praise your LORD and watch him work! The confusion that He can bring into your enemies’ camp can be devastating to them. David says in verse 5 that in the time of trouble the LORD will hide him in His pavilion, in the secret of His tabernacle and set him on a rock. You see, when the LORD is moving on your behalf you have nothing to fear. David said “now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me.” He was surrounded by his enemies but look how quick the LORD delivered him! “Now” is pretty quick right? It seems that as soon as they surrounded David the LORD defeated them. The LORD doesn’t waste any time. The worst mistake that the enemy can do is attack one of the LORD’s children who are walking right with Him. As I said earlier- When you turn your flesh over to the Holy Spirit to have the deeds of the flesh mortified and want to conform to the image of Jesus as your number one prayer than He is your LORD. He then wants to take an active part in moving in your life on your behalf.

As David said in verse 14 of Psalm 27 if you feel that you are under attack just praise Him, be of good courage and wait for the LORD to move on your behalf.

In continuing the LORD’s disruption of your enemies plans please look at Psalm 37: David said that when the workers of iniquity are coming against you these things are what you need to do: Trust, Delight, Commit, Rest and Cease. What David meant was to trust in the LORD and do good (verse 3). It is difficult for the LORD to defend you from your enemies who are workers of iniquity when you are doing the same thing as them. David says in verse 4 to delight in the LORD in order for Him to move on your behalf. David says in v. 5 to commit your way unto the LORD and He will bring to pass your deliverance from your enemies. David says in verse 7 to rest in the LORD when under attack. It is a very smart thing when under attack to rest in the arms of the One who has all power, the One who “flung” the stars into existence. After all He is the one that created all things and by Him all things consist (Colossians 1 v. 16, 17). He has big arms for you to rest in! David says in verse 8 to “cease from anger and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.” You can’t respond in like manner to the attack of your enemies because David says in the next verse that “evildoers shall be cut off.” David says in verse 10 that in a little while you will not be able to find the enemies that were surrounding you.

Remember, as I said before, the LORD can move so fast for you. One question I have: Do we move fast for Him when he commands us to do something for Him? Or do we need sixteen confirmations because we don’t want to do what He says to begin with? Sometimes we have demanded so much from the LORD and yet we forget that He is our BOSS! Sometimes we have focused in on His mercy and grace but have lost focused of His justice. It is a two-way street in serving Him. He also expects of us! Do whatever He asks of you even if you are afraid. Gideon was told by the LORD to destroy all the images of Baal. Because Gideon was afraid, the LORD allowed him to do it at night. Gideon did what the LORD said even though he was afraid. The LORD strengthened him and He can do the same for you. Remember the LORD can and will move mightily on your behalf. He is just asking today to take care of the unfinished business that He asked you to do. When He does something for us He does a complete job. We need to finish every detail that He asks us to do. He wouldn’t ask you to do an assignment unless He knew that you could do it with His anointing on your life.