The Fruit of the Spirit Series-Meekness

As I mentioned in each message of this series: to develop the Fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance (Galatians 5 verse 22, 23)) is to develop the character of Jesus. In Romans 8 verse 19 the word says ‘for the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” The whole world is waiting for people to develop the character of Jesus. The Greek word for “sons” in the above verse is “huios” which means “the expression of the character of the parent.” It means that the offspring is starting to act like the parent. To have the same character as Jesus one has to develop the same fruit that was easily recognizable in Jesus. Our number one prayer should be that the Father would conform us into the image of Jesus (Romans 8 verse 29). God’s fruit must be cultivated while His gifts are bestowed by His grace. In Mark 4 verse 28, the word says the fruit grows; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. Fruit is cultivated over a period of time. As a matter of fact, the purpose of His gifts is to produce fruit in us, as the power of His gifts should humble us. Also, the ones who develop all the fruit will be the ones that most manifest His power. The gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit go together.

Only God can develop the fruit of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 3 verse 5, 6). One way to cultivate His fruit is to read the epistles (Romans to Revelation) and speak the scriptures into our lives, as God directs, that help us spiritually.

The next fruit of the Spirit that I want to discuss is meekness. One thing that we have to realize is that meekness is not “weakness.” To be exhibiting the fruit of meekness does not mean that one has no power. On the contrary, when someone humbles themselves under the mighty hand of God He will exalt him in due time!

The three functions of the fruit of meekness are:

1.)    The fruit of meekness enables one to develop self-control and to be slow to give or take offense. In 1 Peter 2 verses 19, 20 God says that when one endures grief by suffering wrongfully and patiently this act of meekness is acceptable with God. Meekness is not exhibited when one does wrong, is reprimanded and doesn’t take offense. Meekness is exhibited when one does not do something wrong and is falsely accused and slandered and does not take offense. An example of real meekness is in Numbers 12 verses 1-13: Miriam and Aaron, the brother and sister of Moses criticized Moses for marrying an Ethiopian women and the LORD heard it. The LORD came down and stood in the door of the Tabernacle and called Aaron and Miriam to talk. The LORD defended Moses by saying that He talks to Moses face to face and not in dreams. He also said that Moses is a faithful man. The LORD was so angry that He looked upon Miriam and she became a leper. Moses prayed that God would remove this from her and He did, after seven days. So, even though Moses was attacked falsely by them he didn’t speak until verse 13 where he prayed for Miriam’s healing.  Moses did the same thing when he came down from the mount with the Ten Commandments and the people had built a golden calf. He retained his self control by praying and fasting for them (Deut. 9 verse 15-19). Being meek helped him to retain his self-control. In 2 Tim. 2 verses 24-26, Paul says that a teacher must continue teaching somebody in spite of opposition against them by that person. “All who will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3 verse 12).

2.)    The second function of meekness is to enable believers to be humble in mind and not occupied with “self.’  -In Philippians 2 verses 3, 4 Paul says that we should esteem others better than ourselves and be concerned about the lives of others. Moses was willing to offer his own salvation on the behalf of his people that sinned with the golden calf (Ex. 32 verses 30-32). Paul said in Galatians 6 verse 1 that we should restore someone in meekness.

3.)    The third function of meekness is to enable believers to be teachable-In James 1 verse 21 James says that we need to be meek in order to receive the engrafted word.  The greatest opposition to develop a teachable spirit is the traditions of men. Jesus said in Mark 7 verse 13 that people can make the word of no effect in their lives by holding onto traditions that are not of Him. In Acts 18 verses 24-28 Aquila and Priscilla explained the word of God to Apollos more perfectly than he had been taught. Jesus doesn’t want to take away from the truth that He has taught us, but add to it.

    To develop the fruit of meekness:

1.)    Fasting- food is an effective tool by Satan to try to cause people to stumble. He did this with Adam and Eve (Gen 3 verse 6), with Esau (Heb. 12 verse 16), with Jesus (Mt. 4 verse 3) and the children of Israel (Ex. 16 verse 3). If one would lay down food for that person he or she would do much more for that person. This pleases the LORD

2.)    From benefiting from wilderness experiences- Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered (Heb. 5 verse 8). As people allow God to comfort them during a wilderness experience they will in turn want to comfort others. In Deut. 8 verses 2, 3 the word says that the LORD led His people through the wilderness to humble them and to prove their hearts to see whether they would keep His commandments. They had to go without food for a while to teach them that they don’t live by bread only but by every word that proceeds out of the moth of the LORD. Being dependent on the LORD for daily sustenance and to come out of a wilderness experience really develops meekness and humility!


         Again, the fruit of meekness needs to be cultivated and the evidence of this fruit is truly worth the effort. Praise Him!