His Timing is Always the Right Time


We may have our own plans when we want Elohim to give us a miracle, but it is He who decides when the breakthrough will occur. Satan wants us to set artificial deadlines so when God doesn’t come through when we want Him to, Satan wants us to get into the flesh and try to arrange it ourselves. An example of this is in Daniel Chapter 10 where Daniel was asking for a revelation from God. He fasted 21 days and on the twenty fourth day an angel came with the revelation. The angel said that the first time that Daniel prayed is when God sent him with the revelation. Do you see that it is an excellent possibility that God never told Daniel to fast? He could have been setting up an artificial deadline by fasting for 21 days and then stopping. No matter what Daniel was going to do God wasn’t going to answer until the twenty fourth day. So many times we wanted God to do something and we decided to fast to get His attention.  Once we pray we get His attention. Sometimes God may tell us to fast but other times it is just us thinking that we will sacrifice to get God to do something. You see, with Daniel he got his answer when he was eating not fasting (on the twenty fourth day). God wants to bless us but He waits for just the right time. He wants to prepare a table before us in the midst of our enemies so He wants to make sure that all our enemies that are supposed to be there are there. He wants to get the most glory. He wants to make sure that the people who wrote you off see how He blessed you. He wants all your enemies to see how futile their attempts were to try to stop you from getting blessed. An example of this is Acts Chapter 3 where God did a great miracle for a man who was crippled from his mother’s womb and he leaped and walked, praising God. God taught him to walk immediately (verse 8). The word says in verse 9 that all the people saw him walking and praising God and they wee all filled with wonder and amazement. God got the most glory out of this miracle. The word says in Chapter 4: 4 that as a result of this miracle 5,000 people got saved. He wanted this man healed when the temple was filled with people.

God had the perfect timing when He opened the Red Sea for His people and got the most glory when His people got to the other side and their enemies drowned. Even though His people were “hemmed in” and no way out He made a way through the Red Sea and just in time. God had the perfect time for the flood with Noah so only Noah and his family would believe, get ready and be saved.

In John Chapter 11 Jesus (Yahshua) was told that his friend Lazarus had died and He waited two more days (verse 6). Martha and Mary (verse 21 and 32) both said that if He were there Lazarus would not have died. They did not understand that Yahshua has His own timing and was going to get the most glory when there was no hope and all the people were watching. This miracle was one which got the authorities so upset that they wanted to kill Him. This was part of Yahshua’s plan. He has his own timetable, again where He gets the most glory. Whatever you may be going through He will show up for you in His time. He will not be late. He will come on the scene to help you (1 Peter 1:7).


In Daniel Chapter 5, Naaman who was a great military leader was also a leper. He went to see Elisha, the man of God and he told him to dip seven times in the Jordan River. He eventually did what the man of God said and got healed of his leprosy. Notice that he wasn’t healed after going down five or six times, but only on the seventh. God has His perfect timing. You may have prayed about a situation that is troubling you many times but keep it up. The next time it may change. In v. 15 Naaman offered Elisha an offering, but he refused. It wasn’t time to take an offering. Seven years later as recorded in 2 Kings Chapter 8 v. 8-10, King Hazael offered Elisha a blessing that was loaded on forty camels. This time he didn’t refuse to take the offering. Because he gave up the prior offering God gave him more. There is no way that Naaman had an offering that was carried by forty camels. Sometimes you have to give up something good to get something better. When you do give up something good God will make sure that the increased blessing will come. He has the perfect time to reward you.

In Daniel Chapter 1 Daniel and the three Hebrew children refused to eat the king’s meat and drink his wine (v.8). They wanted to eat vegetables for ten days and at the end of ten days their wisdom was ten times as great as all the magicians and astrologers. Also, God gave Daniel understanding in all visions and dreams (v. 17). Every day they said no to the king their wisdom increased. Every day you say no to Satan God’s favor on your life increases. This was perfect timing for Daniel and the three Hebrew children to make this stand: in Chapter 2 the king had a dream and nobody could tell the dream and the interpretation. The king threatened to kill all the wise men, including Daniel and the three Hebrew children. Daniel told the king to give him one more night and he and the three Hebrew children prayed. God answered and gave him the dream and the interpretation. Their lives were saved and the king gave Daniel many great gifts and promoted the Hebrew children (v. 48-49). Again, do you see the timing of God to put on Daniel’s heart not to eat the king’s meat and drink his wine? As a result of Daniel’s obedience, God gave him the understanding of the dream and actually the dream itself. By responding to God’s command in His timing He saved his and the others lives!

It is so important to understand that God doesn’t always move when we want, but after He moves we know that it was the perfect time. His timing is impeccable! One thing for sure – when God does move nobody can stop Him.