How To Deal With The Skeptics!


The most serious problem that you are facing in crossing over the other side into your “promised land” and blessings is the voice of the skeptics.  There are three skeptics: Satan, us and others. Because of prior experiences you could be your biggest skeptic. Here is a list of seven points a skeptic might say to you as you are ready to cross over the “Jordan River” to get into your purpose:

1.)    “It is easier on this side”- A skeptic might tell you that even though you are in an uncomfortable situation on this side you are used to this side and don’t want to go to something new. However, as you take a step in the right direction and are ready to leave where you are you start to feel more comfortable leaving the uncomfortable situation. Never cling to comfort but the Father of all comfort.

2.)    “Too much effort”- A skeptic might say that it is too big for you and they are right. You need to factor in the anointing – it is not too big for God. Remember Joshua and Caleb came back from the promised land with a good report saying that even though there were giants in the land their God was bigger. You have to be careful of the spirit that was on the other ten spies. The doubt that they had tried to spread through the entire camp of God’s people.

3.)    People may not agree on what God’s is telling you to do but who cares. You don’t report to them you report to God. Maybe you might have to lose some of these skeptic “friends.”

4.)    “It is physically impossible” – It was the harvest time, rainy season and the Jordan River had overflowed (Joshua 3 verse 15). It was definitely not the right time to try to cross the Jordan River. It was physically impossible but that didn’t stop God. Don’t look at the circumstance look at God. What God is asking you to do may be physically impossible but when He gets involved it is easy. The situation was set up by God so Joshua would not get any of the glory. Joshua could not do it in his own strength. I am sure that people were telling Joshua that it was not the right time but God’s timing is always right.

5.)    “Too Risky” – You see when God opened the Red Sea all they had to do was go towards the water and the Red Sea opened. This time God told them to step in the deep water before it parted. It was risky as the water was deep. They probably thought that they couldn’t step in if they had a lack of peace. You can’t always have a peace of what God is asking you to do. Joshua was afraid. Four times God told Joshua in Chapter One to “be strong and of good courage.” – Joshua 1 verses 6, 7, 9and 18 and in verse 9 God also told him not to be afraid.  Sometimes you might have to do something afraid, but do it anyway. Sometimes the peace of God follows after you do what He says! Fear tried to come on Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane but He pushed past it and said to His Father “not my will but yours be done.”

6.)    If you don’t succeed you will be labeled a “failure.” This is what tries to stop some people from crossing into destiny, taking that first step. After you do what God wants you to do some may try to label you a failure based on the results. But who are they to judge your results. If God sends you someplace and you only get one person saved this may be a “failure” in some eyes but not God’s. God could send you halfway across the world for one person. Also, sometimes it is much later that you realize that what you did on an assignment for God was really a success. You may just go on an assignment and just plant some seeds and somebody else may reap where you sowed. Also remember that your plan “A” may be God’s plan “B.”  In Acts 16 verse 7, Paul was at Mysia and wanted to go to Bithynia but the Spirit wouldn’t let him go. He then saw a vision of a man telling him to come to Macedonia. You see Paul thought that God was going to send him to Bithynia to preach there but no! God sent him to Mysia just to get him to Macedonia. Macedonia was Plan”A” and Bithynia was plan “B”. Paul thought that Bithynia was Plan “A”. You see we can’t figure out God and His plans. Just understand that your Plan “A” maybe God’s Plan “B” and may just be a stepping stone to His Plan “A.”

7.)     A skeptic might have seen ahead and said that Jericho is there and it’s big and formidable. They might also have seen ahead and seen about thirty tribes that are more powerful than their army. This all was true but again, they had to factor in God’s anointing. As you know, Jericho came down in seven days and each of the thirty tribes were either defeated or joined with Israel. So, you can’t be moved by what you see. You just have to believe that your Father is bigger and more powerful than anything or anyone that is in your path.


                                 These are some of the things that may face you as you are poised to go into your purpose in the “promised land.”  Don’t be moved by anything that you see or hear, just keep going forward and accomplish your destiny!  But remember, because of prior experiences you could be your biggest skeptic!





















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