Are You A Priest For The Father?

                                   So many Christians want to be a Prophet or an Apostle because they think that these are glamorous callings but very few want to be Priests for the Father. The word says in 1 Peter 2 verse 9 that “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” It is such an honor to be a priest for the Father to intercede for His children because they are so close to His heart. He will always take care of His priests.

      Some of the characteristics and promises for Levites or Priests were:

1.)  The Father said that the Levites shall be His (Num. 18 verses 1-14). He had a permanent covenant with them (Jer. 33 verse 21).

2.)  They were to be examples to lead and accompany others back to their spiritual purpose.

3.)  They developed separately from the other tribes. They were not slaves in Egypt; they studied and lived in Goshen. They were not affected by the plagues (Us too!).

4.)  They stood beside Moses against the idolatry of the golden calf when he came down from Mount Sinai.

5.)  They always were ready to risk their lives for the Father as they carried the ark and other tabernacle equipment.

6.)  They were in charge of all the musicians.

7.)  42 cities were set up for them to live, separate from the other tribes.

8.)  All the other tribes were commanded by God to enter into a mitzvah or covenant to always support the Levites.

9.)  They defeated the Syrians on the original Hanukkah even though they were outnumbered.


From Leviticus Chapter 8- Here are 10 ways to develop into the priests that God wants us to be:

1.)  Verse 1- Have to be cleansed by the water of the word. The sword of the Spirit or the word is not only to be used against Satan but on our flesh. 2 Cor. 7 verses 1, 2. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to destroy the works of the flesh and want to be conformed to the image of Yahshua (Jesus) (Rom. 8 verse 13, 29).

2.)  Verses 7-9 – the inner garments which are the closest to the body are a type of righteousness. We are to believe that we have a right standing with our Father. The word says that Yahshua (Jesus) became sin that we might become the righteousness of the Father (2 Cor. 5 verse 21). We can’t do our priestly duties without knowing that we are His righteousness.

3.)  Verses 10-12- The oil being poured on Aaron’s head is a type of the  Spirit of the Father sealing our right standing (#2).

4.)  Verse 13- The outer garments being applied is a type of the full armor that we have to be covered with as recorded in Eph. 6 verses 10-19.

 5.)  Verse 14-15- the bullock had to be killed- Before moving in the priestly anointing we have to be dead to our own desires . We have to be emptied out. We have to present our selves as a living sacrifice (Rom. 12 verse 1-2).

6.)  Verses 22-24- Moses took the blood of the offering and anointed Aaron and his sons with the blood. He anointed the tip of their right ear, the thumb on the right hand and the big toe on the right foot. The Father wants to anoint our ears to hear Him precisely, the thumb on the right hand for increased power and the big toe on the right foot that we would walk in stability, consistently and without compromise. This empowerment can only happen after the sacrifice (#5), when we are dead to ourselves.

7.)  Verses 25-27-All the best part of the sacrifice was given to Aaron and his sons. This is a type of Jesus releasing all the blessings upon us as we go through steps 1-6, in becoming His priests.

8.)  Verse 30 Moses sprinkled the anointing oil on the garments of Aaron and his sons. This is God sealing the steps 1-7 in our lives as priests. Nobody can take away the blessings that He seals into our lives as we become His priests.

9.)  Verses 31 and 32- He will give us an appetite for something that no body else can have. We as priests are separate and peculiar for Jesus, the High Priest. Whatever was left of the bread was to be burned up. This is the type of the fact that their are some friends that you will drop or they will drop you. Not everybody in the body of Christ wants to be priests for the Father.

     10.)        Verse 33- This is the consecration that the Father will bring us into as priests. We will never be satisfied in staying in a comfortable position but will continue to consecrate our priestly lives to Him for His use.