Stand! #1

This is such a serious time that we live in. There is so much pressure by the spirit of antichrist to get people to compromise and give up on what Yahshua (Jesus) promised to them. In 1 John 2 v. 18, John said that the spirit of antichrist was already released before the man called the antichrist would be revealed. He mentioned in v. 19 that this spirit called antichrist influenced people to leave his ministry, to leave their purpose. He said however, in v. 20 that we have an unction from the Yahweh and know all things! Elohim calls us to our purpose and reveals it to us. John is saying that we need to draw close to Elohim and receive our purpose and not to let this spirit of antichrist steal your assignment! This spirit is so very active in the church today. Wherever a man or a woman is being "lifted up" instead of Yahshua this spirit is exerting pressure. But that man or woman has no stripes on their backs or nail prints in their hands. They didn’t die for us, Yahshua did. When one gets saved, Yahshua is everything, nothing or nobody else matters. As soon as one gets saved and attends a church, much of the churches try to win people to them. They imply that the newly saved can’t make it without them. They can’t wait to make them members and exert pressure on them to tithe and obey all their regulations. Tithing and obeying rules are very important, but in a lot of churches membership is a way of controlling the "sheep." After a newly saved person is in some churches there is a concerted effort by this spirit to prop a Pastor or Bishop up, as the King of his kingdom! Every body else are just their "subjects." So, eventually this relationship that they had with Jesus is lost and the minister becomes a "god" to them. This spirit of antichrist is the main spirit of Satan operating in the world today, preparing the way for the Antichrist. As a result, we need to come back to Yahshua and start over, if necessary. We need to tell Him that He is number one and in Him we both move and have our being! Without Him we can do nothing! We can’t compromise our relationship with our Yahweh!

Not only is this spirit trying to take people away from their relationship with Yahshua, but trying to influence them from standing on Elohim's promises. We need to not compromise but stand on Elohim’s word no matter what Satan is permitted to bring our way. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4 v. 18, not to believe the things that we can see. They are real but they are temporal and subject to change! Elohim can change the circumstances faster than a "split second."

There is a man in the bible that I want to talk about and he is Caleb. In Numbers 14, v. 6-10, after twelve spies went out to spy the land (only 2 brought back a good report) Caleb told everybody that if Elohim was with them the enemy was "bread" to them. Imagine only 2 out of the 12 brought back a good report and would not compromise. This is the same percentage in the Church today! Only two out of every ten refuse to compromise to this spirit of antichrist! They believe Elohim and His promises no matter what is permitted by Yahshua to come their way! Because of Caleb’s confession, only he and Joshua and the children were allowed to enter the promise land. They had to wander for forty years until the others all died. In Joshua 14 v. 6-15, Caleb is now 85 years old and it has been 45 years since he spied out the land and stepped on Mt. Hebron. He said that his faith was just as strong now as it was then and he would take that mountain from the enemy. Nobody else had the courage to do so! He said in v. 7 that the word that he spoke to the people 45 years ago was what was in his heart. You see he left his heart on Mt. Hebron and now was going back to get it! He had unfinished business!

Can you imagine what he had to endure for the forty five years waiting for his "due season?" He had to listen to the people with doubt for forty five years, without compromising. He had to watch them all die during those forty years of wandering! He just stood on Elohim’s word through Moses and refused to come off it! In v. 13 and 14, it is recorded that Joshua gave Mt. Hebron to Caleb as an inheritance if he could defeat the enemy. In Judges 1 v. 20, it is recorded that Caleb was given Mt. Hebron after he and the others drove out the enemy!

What he stood for so long, he received in his "due season!"

Jonathan as recorded in 1 Samuel 14 had the same kind of consistency and steadfastness as Caleb. When the whole Israeli army was surrounded by the enemy and they only had two swords to defend themselves (the Philistines had all the swords, sharpening them) Jonathan was the only one to rise to the occasion. His armor bearer said that he would follow him, but do whatever was in his heart. He had a heart like Caleb! Jonathan had so much faith in the power of Elohim that he said in v. 9 and 10 that if the enemy asks them to come up to where they were that the victory was theirs. He said this even though it was him and his armor bearer alone going against the enemy. Jonathan knew that he had Elohim on his side! Elohim had already put the word in his heart that if the enemy asks them to come up that they would be over confident and as a result, Elohim would give them the victory. He stood on this word when the enemy did invite them up and destroyed 20 of them and there was such a trembling (v.15) from Elohim in the camp that they killed each other (v.20). Do you see what happens when one stands on Elohim’s word, even though they are outnumbered?

This is such an important time to stand on what Elohim promised you, even if no one agrees with you. Do you realize that the closest you get to your breakthrough that the enemy would like to use the person closest to you to prevent you from advancing? You have to know that you know that you really heard from Elohim and refuse to leave your position of standing on His word. David had such pressure from his brothers in coming against Goliath, which was so important for David as well as the whole Israeli nation ( I Samuel 17 v. 28). They tried to get him to go home and reminded him how small in power he was. But David knew that the battle was not His but Elohim’s and that the Name of Yahweh was greater than the enemy. He had stood on Elohim’s word when the lion and bear attacked his sheep (v. 34-36) and he was ready to do it again. David’s father told him to run to the battle and he stood on his father’s word and didn’t stop running till he destroyed Goliath and the rest of the enemy!

Stand on Elohim’s word that He promised you, no matter how long that it has been and run to your inheritance even if you are running with no earthly support! You got the power of Elohim behind those promises that He made to you!