God’s Timing #2

The word says in Ecclesiastes 3 v. 1 "to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." As I mentioned in the last message on God’s Timing-God’s timing is impeccable. He has everything timed out, so don’t give up hope on what God said that He was going to do, just because it hasn’t showed up in the natural yet. When God has a perfect time to do something nobody can rush Him or slow Him down. Remember, God controls everybody and everything. Everybody reports to God. All things were created by Him and for Him and by Him all things consist (Col. 1 v. 16, 17). If He has promised a blessing to you He wants to make sure that everyone who is connected to your blessing is in place. Let’s look at some examples in the word that show God’s importance of timing: In 2 Kings 6 v. 24 to 33 the word mentions that the Syrians had surrounded Samaria and as a result there was a famine. People were starving and started eating their own children. (v. 28-29). It got so bad that the king wanted to kill Elisha who had spoke that it wouldn’t rain for three and a half years. Naturally they couldn’t kill him and God spoke through him that the famine would be over the within twenty four hours (7 v. 1). You see God knows when your trial will end. He has it all timed out. God then spoke to four lepers outside the gate of Samaria to go and surrender to the enemy. As they went on their way to the enemy, God made their feet sound like a whole army and the enemy ran and left everything behind and truly the famine was over. You may feel surrounded in your circumstances and closed in. but speak to the situation as God speaks through you and watch the enemy run. Face the situation with the word of God and look the situation firmly in the eye and defy the natural, but don’t deny it. Watch God move when you wait for His timing and His unction to speak to the situation.

In Exodus 14, the Israelites had left Egypt and were now facing the biggest challenge of their lives. It sure looked like they were out of God’s timing as they were surrounded by mountains on one side, the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army coming after them. But, this was God’s exact timing as He had this whole event set up for Him to get the most glory. Just because the enemy has you closed in and there seems to be no where to turn it is not over yet. God could have engineered the whole event in perfect timing to bless you and get rid of some enemies in your life once and for all! Jesus said that He would never leave you nor forsake you, so why worry and fear. He maybe has it all timed where you can do nothing yourself about the situation: He engineered the situation so you have to be totally dependent on Him. Remember His timing is impeccable. Just because the situation seems to be getting worst, all this means is that it is about to get better! God timed it so that you would appreciate Him more and have a foundation to trust Him in the next trial. Didn’t David have a practiced faith? He told Saul that the same God who destroyed a lion and a bear through his hands would destroy Goliath (1 Sam. 17 v. v. 37). God used the previous trials with David to build up a strong foundation of faith in him.

Back to Exodus 14, God rescued His people and opened the Red Sea for them to cross because they showed up at the Red Sea on time. They never saw their enemies again as the Red Sea closed in on them! Some of God’s blessings are site sensitive and timing sensitive. They had to be at the right place at the right time to get blessed. We are no exception.

In Mark Chapter 4 .v. 35 the word says that on the same day that He taught them, when the evening was coming Jesus said "Lets’ go to the other side." This sure sounds like He had it "all timed out. "He waited for the right moment to get in a boat and go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. This timing to cross probably didn’t make sense as it was starting to get dark, but it was His perfect timing. As they went, a storm arose and the apostles got scared. They were probably saying to themselves that Jesus’ timing was all wrong, but His timing was right on! He calmed the Sea and this was very important in fulfilling Psalm 107 v. 25 and 29 where the word says that God Himself would raise up a storm and calm it down. Jesus purposely had the crossing all timed out to show who He really was i.e. God manifested in the flesh. He raised up the storm and also brought a peace to the waves! When they got to the other side a man who was possessed with a legion of demons came out to meet Jesus. Jesus knew that He was there and this was also a very important reason for crossing the Sea of Galilee at that time: He wanted to set him free. Jesus is truly interested in the one soul. He did set the man free and received more glory.

In John Chapter 5, Jesus came to the pool of Bethesda and there was man there who was lame 38 years and waiting at the pool for the timing of the water being troubled by an angel. (v. 5-7) When the water was troubled then the first one in would get healed. Jesus had this all timed out to show that He can move anytime of the day or night to heal and deliver. He showed that He had more power than any angel as all angels are subjected to Him. (Hebrews 1 v. 6) The lame man also said that he had nobody to help put him into the water. So many people look to a man for their healing, but all you need is Jesus. He may use someone else but one needs to run to Him first.

Remember, whatever you are going through, God won’t leave you in the trial longer than He wants but will show up like He did for the three Hebrew children- right on time. Now could be the set time to favor you! (Psalm 102 v. 13) God had you reading this message at this time for a special reason i.e. to give you a miracle where you need it the most. Father bless them now in Jesus’ Name! Receive your miracle!